by Fiona White | Aug 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
The energy we sit within, in this 08/08 Lion’s Gate portal is a time of integrity. It is time for us to be as the lion, fearless, intrepid, to hold the line, to reach within and stand firm in our convictions, without being swayed, without being made to feel less than...
by Fiona White | Jun 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
There have been many mystery school teachings over many of your Earth years and we refer to times gone by. Within your now society many of these teachings have been hidden from view, have been locked away shall we say, so the general public were not made aware of...
by Fiona White | Nov 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
With the increasing energies there comes a dispensation to align one’s self with the sacred union of self. Now many will not understand what that means and we would like to allow for you all to understand. Many will understand and how they perceive it is appropriate...
by Fiona White | May 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
We come to you this day to share with you a message about hope. There are many of you that go through trials and tribulations and without hope you find them to be such that you feel you may never get through these trials and tribulations. Dear ones, hope is in and...