
Yoga is not just a practice, it is a complete active process, and way of life

By connecting the body, mind, and breath through Yoga you can more easily become aware of, and restore to alignment and balance,  the many mis-alignments and imbalances held within the physical body.  It can also assist in harmonising emotions such as stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, depression, insomnia and many more. Improved balance, flexibility, strength, stable menopausal symptoms and many other health concerns can occur through a commitment to the practice of Yoga. Yoga offers an increased daily energy level promoting a calmer and more balanced approach to our daily life, family unity, our social and occupational functions which reduces the levels of stress, anger, frustration etc.

Yoga is not a sport.  Yoga is a way to increase the vitality of your physical body and a devotion to yoga can change your way of life.


With this practice you will experience and learn yoga asana’s, mindfulness, meditation and

breathing techniques to assist you in maintaining equanimity in your daily life.



5.45am – 6.45am

General a mixture of VINYASA FLOW, HATHA, HOLD.

General a mixture of VINYASA FLOW, HATHA, HOLD.

4.45 – 5.45pm

SLOW CALM FLOW, Calming and slow

6.00 – 7.00pm

YIN Passive, deep stretching of the connective tissue



5.45am – 6.45am

General a mixture of VINYASA FLOW, HATHA, HOLD.

6.00 – 7.00pm

BEGINNERS Slow, steady, align

 YOGA is Located at the: GLADSTONE Touch Football Clubhouse – Harvey Road, Gladstone.

Group class pricing:         $15   –   Casual Visit         $70   –   5 Class Pass         $120  –  10 Class Pass

Is refining, adjusting or correcting alignment in your postures something that you would like more of but have found you don’t receive it within a busy group setting?

Are you too busy to get to a Yoga class at the times that are scheduled?

Would you like to do Yoga in the comfort of your own home?

Do you have one or two friends you would like to practice Yoga with in a safe environment?

Are you seeking to deepen your Yoga practice?

Would you like to explore Vinyasa, Hatha, or Restorative Yoga and have a personalised program tailored specifically for you as well as having focused attention given to your yoga practice with quality ‘one on one’ time?

Then a private Yoga session is for you! 

Larger group sessions are available.  Price on application.

Yoga Weekly Classes


Come and join a high vibe community of fellow yogis for our weekly classes. One of the most wonderful things about group classes is that we are all have similar intents for our practice.  And, that is to be able to take the calming tools and techniques we learn on the mat out into our everyday life.  What a priceless gift we can give ourselves and everyone else we have a relationship with. 

In these group classes you will be able to explore your desired level of yoga, at your own pace, and in a safe and nurturing environment to take your yoga journey to another dimension.

You will also be able to give yourself permission to slow down, to relax, and to attune more to your body/mind/spirit union.  After all yoga literally means to yoke, to join together, mind, body, and breath/spirit.  

Dive into the flowing currents offered in VINYASA FLOW, dip your toe into the still waters of HATHA YOGA, or drop deep into the warm waters of YIN YOGA.  We will also explore CHAKRA YOGA, MINDFULNESS MEDITATION, all of which will be splashed with a dash of YOGA philosophy, mythology, and symbology.

Group class pricing:

$15   –   Casual Visit

$70   –   5 Class Pass

$120 –  10 Class Pass



Private Yoga Session


There is something wonderful about having your own specially personalised YOGA class.  

Maybe you are a beginner and would like to learn correct alignment so that you feel more empowered to join weekly classes.

Maybe you would like to take your poses to the next level, to build strength, and to power-up your sessions.

Maybe you would like a more restorative, relaxing, and calming approach to yoga. 

Maybe you would like to find more balance in your poses, in your body and mind so that you can take this off your mat into your everyday life.

Maybe you are recovering from injury, or have a specific area you want targeted. 

Maybe you would like to focus more on mindfulness meditation in the practice to help you to move out of the flight/fight nervous system response of the sympathetic nervous system, into the relax/rest/digest response of the parasympathetic nervous system.  

These private classes are specifically tailored to your desires, and needs.  We will work together for your most optimal YOGA experience.  And have a bit of fun doing so. 

Private Sessions are not available at this stage.   

Yoga, Meditation and Healing - Groups/Events

Do you want to de-stress? 

Do you want to learn how to relax more and manage anxiety?

Have you, or someone you know, been so stressed and anxious about life lately? 

Maybe you, or someone you know, has been experiencing high levels of overwhelm?

Would you like to share with them a beautiful enriching Mindful, Meditative, Yogic and Healing experience?

Baby Showers, Hen’s Nights, Birthday Groups are just some ways to share in the wonderful gifts and rewards offered through these group Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Healing events. 

 Spice it up, or bliss it out!  The choice is yours as these events are tailored specifically to your needs.  When you share in a group setting your experience of these gifts is heightened as the energy is lifted and you can’t help but notice the healing occurring on many levels.   

~ Private Session only ~

This is a personalised, and intuited, Mindful, Meditative, Yogic, and Healing session – in the privacy of your own home.

Group Yoga sessions available – time and price on application.

Answers to Your Questions

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is an ancient form of conscious meditation and was an integral part of the Indian Yoga practice.  Yoga Nidra, often known as ‘yogic sleep’, or psychic sleep, is a form of consciously aware meditation that takes you into a state of consciousness that is between the awakened state and the dream state.

Wanting a deeper connection to body, mind, and breath?

Yoga is a practice that can help you to find balance, inner peace and harmony. Not only whilst on the mat throughout a class but also the mindfulness you can adapt into your everyday life.

What is Yoga good for?

Yoga can help you move through, and bring into balance, many misalignments and imbalances not only within the body but also emotionally such as stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, depression, insomnia and many more.

Do I have to be flexible to do yoga?

This is one of the most asked questions.  Or, it is the most used statement – “I am not flexible enough to do yoga.”  This is definitely a myth, and whatever level of flexibility you are at, it is perfect for you to start now.

Come and join our grounded community.

We would love to have you join us.