The energy we sit within, in this 08/08 Lion’s Gate portal is a time of integrity. It is time for us to be as the lion, fearless, intrepid, to hold the line, to reach within and stand firm in our convictions, without being swayed, without being made to feel less than by those that deem themselves more powerful, by systems, by mass fear, by anything outside of ourselves.
Standing in the integrity of the inner Lion/Lioness, and to recognise that the power, the might, the majesty of such an animal lies within each of us, is bold, is brave, courageous and heroic.
There are those that will take a stand, that will stand in their integrity, to share truth, to speak out, and when they do the information that comes to light, for there is much to come to light, will create wave upon wave of more, and more. A perpetual flow of information, a wave of revelation, will wash clean that which is perceived as unclean, and purify that which is perceived as impure. This is an external, and internal, bathing. Many are feeling the cleansing, the detoxifying, from within causing purification without, and vice versa.
The proverbial skeletons in the closet that have been lurking in the depth of darkness, suppressed either by ourselves, or by those in power over systems and ideologies, are being seen, are being brought to the surface to be addressed. Having compassion for ourselves, standing in our inner truth and integrity, will help us deal with our own symbolic skeletons held within the inner landscape of mind. This will then enable us to hold space and have compassion for what may present in the external global arena.
This highly intense portal of energy we stand within, the Lion’s Gate, will help us to understand this from a higher perspective, knowing this is all part of a divine plan. It helps us to hold the light, stand in the light of our truth, and to emit higher vibrations of love, compassion, understanding. This is what we are being called to do.
The mystical power of the Lion lies within each of us. It lies within the Ineffable. This is all-knowing, it is the mystery that lies within all and everything. Not only are we activating this power within, we are embodying it, should we choose to accept it. Accept it into our self, be it, walk in the embodiment of it, and shine with the divine. And, as we do the walk shall become a glide, and the shine will be of much golden light.
As we step forth into our own inner mystical power, we will feel the shift within begin. There is a process of light integration taking place and this can have an effect on the physical body. Some may be experiencing fatigue, weariness, aches and pains, headaches, and other embodiment symptoms (not to be confused with health conditions that need to be addressed by a professional). This is part of the process and it is important we trust the process.
Trust is imperative to the level of change we experience. Surrendering to trust is like riding upon the currents of the waters of change deep within us where a sense of freedom can be felt. We are free to allow ourselves to just be, free of the fears, doubts, worries and concerns that are bound in un-trust. This freedom brings a deep sense of peace, like a warm wave of inner contentment washing through us.
It is this deep sense of trust that brings the greatest shift because we have created the space for the energy of change. Lack of trust is like a cork that prevents the contents of a bottle from pouring out. Trust uncorks the bottle and allows the contents, of the bottle to pour out. The contents of the bottle is the mystical power within. We all have the opportunity to uncork our bottles, to remove the stopper, the self-imposed limitations, and stand in the integrity of the inner Lion/Lioness. However, what we experience will be different for each of us, depending on where we are at on our journey.
Some of us may not even be aware of the cork in the bottle. Some may be aware of the cork, however, if they pull the cork, they fear what may pour forth from within so they leave the cork there. Some may pull the cork and replace it if they feel a shift within due to their fears, doubts, etc. Some will pull the cork and allow the contents to breathe before pouring them. However long they choose to allow the contents to breathe is entirely up to them. Some will pull the cork, breathe in the sweet aroma of the contents, pour the contents of the bottle in, over, and around themselves. They will drink the sweetness of the contents and allow their bellies to be satiated. And some will pour the contents not only in, over, and around themselves, but share them with whomever they would like to share them with, knowing that the contents of the bottle are never-ending. A never-ending flow of sweetness, of love, light, joy, compassion and kindness.
We all have a choice to accept, and experience, this change. How we choose to experience this change is up to us. It all depends upon where we are at on our journey, and our perception of our experience at the time. Are we ready for this light/love to shine from within? Are we ready to experience the varying degrees of love, of light, of change? There is only one true degree of love, unless this love is conditioned. Are we ready to receive this Unconditional love and step into the light of our true mystical power?
So, will you uncork your bottle?
Fiona M White © All Rights Reserved 2014-2022. We offer these messages as a gift to be shared freely, in alignment with copyright credit, with the integrity and the entirety of the message, without any alterations, and with reference to
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