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Medical science has often referred to us as only having two strands of DNA of use.  The remaining ten strands of DNA have been referred to as ‘junk DNA’.  This so called ‘junk DNA’ is our multidimensional aspect, which connects us with our highest consciousness.

In these times of Earth Ascension into 4th/5th dimensional frequency, humans are also ascending.  We are moving into a healing paradigm we cannot see.  This is intelligent quantum healing that marries you with the innate intelligence of your body which has the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own data and its own DNA. In order for us to move into these higher dimensional frequencies and a more enlightened state of awareness, our DNA must be cleansed, purified of these irregularities and Reset to the Divine Template

Throughout our many life experiences our DNA has been exposed to many types of influences and manipulations, harbouring irregularities and impurities which are not in alignment with our Divine Template.  These irregularities were introduced to our DNA æons ago.

Divine Template Reset  is the process of these energetic irregularities within the DNA, being energetically lifted and dissolved.  As a metaphor envision a DNA strand with the protein strand as a staircase rung.  Through a process of light the discordant energies on the DNA protein strand on the staircase rung is dissolved and replaced with more of your true essence divine light. Our bodies are in a state of constant flux and the cells, when they replicate, will copy the DNA from the original parent cell to the new cell.  Old cells will continue to replicate the discordant residue irregularities within the DNA.  With these distorted energies dissolved space is created to allow the crystalline DNA to be integrated in the highest and best way. This supports reverse aging and higher gifts and also frees up the attributes in the body that are necessary for subsequent healings.  Through intelligent design our body is then able to heal organs and disease processes and is free of the density of the old DNA.  It is this density that keeps us bound in the physical body.

The physical body has both masculine and feminine elements to its configuration, regardless of what gender we are experiencing in our life upon Earth.  It is of utmost importance that our masculine and feminine aspects of self, our Authority-Ego and Soul, be balanced so that we can experience completion.  Tradition has named the union of the masculine and feminine as the Hieros Gamos, or Inner Christos/Sophia.  Energetic Resetting of the Divine Template enables this union enabling our ability to house Christos/Sophia consciousness.

Gold Thread

Envision the Divine Template of the as a tapestry made of fabric where the inner Sophia is seen as the needle and Christos as the thread.  Imagine the needle threaded with Golden thread, weaving through the fabric to create the tapestry.  The needle is the passive and the absolute energy that comes from Source and the thread is the active energy that follows directly behind.  One cannot be without the other.  

Taken to a higher level of understanding we can translate the weaving into Zero’s and One’s and everything can be seen on a main frame computer where the software is just changed out and uninstalled from the Divine Template.  It is the changing out of the contaminated energetic software, and the realigning with the Crystalline DNA that is then able to house the Christos/Sophia Consciousness.